About Us
Set up by a group of ballet enthusiasts over forty years ago, we give active support to the Royal Ballet companies and promote interest in all aspects of their work. United in affection for the Royal Ballet, our members combine both a rich collective memory and a keen interest in new work.
What do we do?
We hold regular meetings at which dancers and other Royal Ballet staff talk about their careers and interests in an informal interview structure, with time for the audience to ask questions. Meetings also provide an opportunity to share knowledge and exchange often highly contrasted views. There are always opportunities for informal meetings with other members at or after performances.
Who comes to speak?
In recent years we’ve welcomed speakers from all parts of the Royal Ballet companies including established stars such as Natalia Osipova, Federico Bonelli, Lauren Cuthbertson, Steven McRae, Marianela Nuñez, Sarah Lamb and Edward Watson; up-and-coming artists like James Hay, Mayara Magri and Fumi Kaneko; illustrious ex-dancers including Dame Beryl Grey, Dame Monica Mason and Deborah Bull; members of the corps; award-winning students from the Royal Ballet School; luminaries such as Sir Peter Wright, Kevin O'Hare, Wayne McGregor, Christopher Wheeldon and Twyla Tharp.
Where and when are the meetings?
Meetings are held at the American International Church, 79a Tottenham Court Rd, London W1T 4TD, at least once a month throughout the year – but never on a ballet night!
What else is there?
We hold an annual dinner at which many members of the Companies are our guests. We also arrange annual visits to Birmingham to see the Birmingham Royal Ballet and Elmhurst School for Dance.
We recognise service to the Company through leaving and retirement gifts to dancers and sometimes organise flower throws at the Opera House to mark extra special occasions.
We make donations to specific appeals such as the Royal Ballet School Development and the Royal Ballet 75th Anniversary Appeal. In consultation with management we also assist Company activities such as the Draft Works programme and give awards to Royal Ballet School and Elmhurst School for Dance students from Ballet Association funds.
How do we keep in touch?
We send out a regular newsletter by email or post. Newsletters and reports on meetings are published on this website. If you would like to contact us with any queries or comments, please contact us via our contact form. You can also get notice of updates and other information and news via our Twitter account (@BalletAssoc) and Facebook.
How much does it cost?
Full membership is £15 for the year from October through to September, £22.50 for two people living at the same address. The concessionary rate* is £10 for the year.
Meeting entry for members costs £5, £4 for concessions*, and is £9 for guests (non-members).
* the concessionary rate applies to under 16s and students, over 60s, the registered disabled and the registered unemployed.