We are delighted to announce that our annual visit to the Royal Ballet Upper School in Floral Street to watch classes and rehearsals in conjunction with London Ballet Circle can be in person this year, the first time since 2019. However, to accommodate members who live too far from London, it will be available via zoom as well. The cost of the live visit will be £15 for members and £20 for guests if attending in person. If attending via zoom, it will be £10 for members and £15 for guests. If more than one of you is watching via zoom, please both pay.
If you would like to attend in person or via zoom, please send your name and contact details to our Events Secretary via e-mail to annmaclennan@btopenworld.com or by post to Ann Maclennan, Events Secretary, The Ballet Association, 18 Wensleydale Road, Hampton, TW12 2LW. Please indicate whether you are attending in person or via zoom, the name of any guest if you are bringing one and enclose a cheque or indicate that you have made an electronic transfer to Lloyds Bank, Sort code 30-93-92 A/c 00186483 -marking transfer as BA RBS visit. If you pay by cheque, please make it payable to The Ballet Association. If you have no e-mail address, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. All monies collected will be donated to The Royal Ballet School to provide additional funds for students. Please do not pay via the donate button on our website as Shopify keeps a proportion. All applications must be received by 23rd April.
We will not be issuing tickets. The programme, along with a zoom link for those attending virtually, will be sent during the last week of April as confirmation of your places. Your name will be placed on a list, which will be held at the door. If a 9.00 am start is too early for you, it will be possible to join us at break or lunchtime. Please indicate in your letter if you will be a late arrival. (Please try not to trickle in during a class.) The School politely requests that you leave the premises during the lunch break as they do not have the space to allow you to eat lunch on site. However, if you have any mobility issues, please indicate on your application and provision will be made for you to stay on site during the break and seating will be reserved for you in the studio.
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